Friday, December 4, 2015

A somebody your thankful for - THANKSGIVING!!

                          Gratitude is the Memory of the Heart
French Proverb

Sunny - I am thankful for Julia because when we first got to Hawaii, she's the only person I knew, so she was always there for me and is still always here for me. Just down the hall.

Ruth - My Dad, because he knows how to talk to me and is always there.

Mary - Aunt Sara, she was my Mom for Thanksgiving weekend and with facials too.

Peter - I am grateful for my Mom. She always provides for us, always does her best, even when she's tired.
Two Turkeys or maybe Five!

James D. - Martha makes me happy because of her Christmas CD mixes.

James A. - My Dad - I believe he is an excellent role model.

Lily - My friend, Ellie, whose birthday was on Thanksgiving this year.  She just turned 14. She is friendly to everyone.

Daisy - My Dad, who is willing to talk and help me feel better.

Lou - My Dad, who is a good provider.

Erica - Martin Short - He makes me laugh.  His book is: I must say - My Life as a Humble Comedy Legend.

At the Thanksgiving craft table

Clara - My Mom - She helps me out.

Noah - Amy Poehler - she brightens my life in Parks and Recreation.

Rae - I am thankful for my parents because they're supportive and make me laugh!

Lucy - My Dad - He's always willing to hang out with me and do things with me.

Golden - I am thankful for my parents who provide food and roof over my head!

Julia - still thinking, I hope.  I can't seem to get through on her phone.

Jane - I m thankful for Joseph Smith because of his great courage amidst all of the opposition he faced. He was a great man who was so near to God, and so familiar with His mysteries. He is a great example to me of humility, righteousness, and optimism. Because of the sacrifices he made, we have the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine & Covenants, the priesthood, temples, and so many other blessings! I'm also grateful for my parents and their example to me, and the sacrifices they've made for me. And for my whole family! It's full of amazing people.

Bright - From her letters, Bright is thankful to be in Louisiana and and enjoying the people she has met.  Here's her email.

All/most food at the Falck's was in vintage pyrex dishes delicious!

BTW - Joseph Smith's birthday is December 5th.  My great uncle, Simeon Oquist, painted a portrait of Joseph Smith.  He painted it so that his son Selfrid (who still lives in St. George) could sell it and help with his tuition at BYU.  One man didn't like it because he painted Joseph with white pants. What do you think?  I believe he used the death mask as a starting place.  The picture was lost for a while and rediscovered recently in the home of a family in Springville.  The portraits of my grandparents in the dining room were also painted by Simeon as my grandparents wedding gift.  He painted the King of Sweden at least twice.

Joseph, the Prophet

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Cousin's Rock!

We had a trip to North Carolina to see Sara, Jaron and the kids.  They were busy working on their Hallowe'en costumes.  The kids are lucky enough that their Mom is pretty handy with Goodwill items and her sewing machine for some amazing costumes.
Art Beavers in North Carolina

Peter is working on his driver's license preparation and so is Ruth. Peter was a hit at a stake dance with his Dr. Who costume.  He got a prize!  I think it was something about Best Nerd costume!
Obi Wan at work!

Peter Who?

Lucy's soccer team placed 2nd in their tournament.  We saw four soccer games on the Saturday we were there.

Lou has earned another significant honor as a Freshman.  He earned the highest score of all Freshman and Sophomores in physics and math.  This includes a permanent framed certificate on the wall of the school.

Noah did a wonderful job as Mr. Banks in his school's production of Mary Poppins!
Did you know that he is also on the seminary council?  He keeps veeerrry busy.

Mr. Banks surrounded by his two

Golden is doing deconstruction at his house.  He is taking out the wall between the kitchen and the family room.  And then what...?

Bright goest to the MTC in one week!  She has given her talk and bought all her missionary clothes and is ready to go.

Mary was very happy with a visit from her parents in New York City.  Her siblings were all seen sporting NYU paraphernalia lately.

Gwen and Mary in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 

Julia also had a visit from her parents and Ruth during her school break.  Which would you like to visit?  NYC or Hawaii or North Carolina?  I think we need to do them all.

Clara, Lou, Anna Belle, Henry, Seth and Jane all put on their Hallowe'en costumes at our house this year. Jane went to a party and everyone else went out trick or treating.  The best fun was organizing and trading candy at the end of the evening.

What a mean looking bunch - except for maybe the deer!

Blank Eyes in this ghoul!

Grandpa and I got to see the inside of the Provo City Center Temple (PCCT) last week.  There is no furniture yet, but everything is really beautiful with dark woods and hand designed carpeting and marble in many places. The baptismal font is oval shaped and there are 2 sets of stairs into the font, one on either end of the oval. We loved the stained glass windows and other art glass throughout. Our favorite was the murals that have all been hand painted.  We can't wait for you to see them.

We were invited to hang some crystals on the central chandelier in the Celestial room.  We used white gloves.  I wanted to hang a crystal for each of my children and grandchildren.  But I thought of each of your while we were doing it!
Recent news articles about the PCCT

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Maybe Once in a Lifetime

Robert Louis Falck had a hole-in-one playing golf on October 3, 2015.
He played a wedge on the lst hole at the Cottonwood Country Club.
He didn't see it go into the hole, but there it was when he started looking around the green.
Neither he nor his dad had their phones with them....

What a thrill!

Congratulations, Lou!  We hope you get many more in the future.
Lou was ordained a Teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood on 27 September 2015...better than a hole-in-one in the long run!

Looking looking #1 with his hole-in-one!!

In other news:

Daisy has finished her Senior tennis season at Provo High. She played doubles this year and had fun in regionals.  They beat a team that had previously outscored them and generally had a good time.

Clara is making a ton of arm scarfs for the Beehive Bazaar which is early in December.  They are so cozy and colorful.

You know you want one!

Grandpa was released as stake president of the Oak Hills Stake in Provo, Utah on 20 September 2015.   Many of the local grandkids were able to be there.  It was really fun to walk in and find family.  Grandpa and I were also set apart by Pres. Henry B. Eyring on Friday, September 18th.
We enjoyed that very much and Elder Eyring talked to us for a while about his topic for general conference.  Then it was fun to hear his talk at General Conference.  We need to claim our gift of the Holy Ghost in all that we do!

Grandpa will be able to seal/marry Adam and Sarah went they get married on October 10th.  It will be his first sealing.

Congratulations to James Atticus on turning 16!  Have you seen the computer he has been building?

James with his hand decorated computer case/cover

The inside awesomeness of his computer.  Great work!

Bright received her endowments in the Logan Temple.  We had the opportunity of going with her on her second visit in the Provo Temple.

Grandpa, Bright & Nana at the Provo Temple

Rae looked beautiful in her $2 homecoming dress!
Homecoming 2015 

We can tell that Sunny has been missing her family with all her Instagram posts.

Julia,  is loving BYU Hawaii.  She is having fun enjoying all Hawaii has to offer.  Loves the beach, hiking, hammocking, and long boarding.  Although she was really sad that her long board (skateboard)  got stolen recently.  She is also doing well in her classes, and is taking a hula class and a drawing class.
Ruth has been busy making "crusty bread"  The recipe came from Rob Falck--- Thanks uncle Rob!  She started a crusty bread making business, and thanks to social media, she had orders to make 30 loaves of bread the first week!  She plans to make bread for the rest of the school year, or until she reaches her goal of $1000.00.  She is saving money for a service trip she wants to take to Africa this summer.  She is determined to go!

I haven't forgotten the other cousins, so there will be more to come as I collect more info.
The big wedding is this weekend in Las Vegas.  I am excited to see Grandpa in his white suit.  xoxo to all

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Back to School

Everyone is back in school!

Mary is attending New York University, NYU.  Her Mom flew to NYC with her and helped her get the things she needed for her housing.  She is very excited about her French class and just being in New York with all the opportunities for learning and growing.

Mary's wall of some favorite things.

Sunny and Julia, as we know, are at BYU Hawaii!  We've heard that Sunny has signed up for a lot of clubs!  Julia scraped her arm cliff jumping...don't forget to go to class!

Erica, Adam and Jane (graduate) are making things happen at BYU. They often eat with us on Sundays.

James D. is working as a teller at a credit union and is taking classes at LDS Business College.

Daisy and Noah are Seniors this year
James A. and Rae (an appointed student officer) are Juniors.
Clara, Ruth and Peter are Sophomores and Golden and Lou are Freshmen.

Lou started at a new year in a new school, Bonneville Jr. High, since their move to SLC.  That's a hard thing to do.  We are cheering you on, Lou!

Lily 7th grade, Lucy 8th grade.

Did I get everyone right?

Text me photos and news.

I know that Daisy is on the Varsity Tennis Team and they are in the midst of their meets.  I hope to get a photo tomorrow.

Rae found a homecoming dress for $2.

Monday, August 31, 2015

We interrupt this broadcast...

Some exciting news in the life of Julia Bright Ostergar.  She received her mission call on Friday, August 28th, 2015,  She was called to the Louisiana, Baton Rouge Mission and reports to the MTC in November.

Golden brought in the mail that day and woke up Bright who was taking a nap.  Rae was there too.
They were too excited to wait for their parents and opened the call right away.

She will be a wonderful missionary.
Beautiful Bright Millennial Day

Friday, August 28, 2015

There was a family reunion...

Aunt Sara, Uncle Mark, and the beaver shirt for 2015

Golden, Eden and the awesome sand castle
What was the best part for YOU?

  • "Beaver Creek Lodge"
  • Welcoming each other as families arrived.
  • We had awesome Beaver t-shirts that came in fun goody bags.
  • There was a full moon beaming down on us.
  • First night camp fire with sweet thoughts from our children on things they learned from us in their growing up years. 
  • A beautiful ring for Nana with 5 for each decade and a frozen Snickers bar for Grandpa.
  • Skits by the grandkids about our past : )
  • A big cinnamon roll hug
  • There was the Ostergar flag under Joe the deer, or was it an elk?
  • Meeting Chrissy and Sarah.
  • A Declaration of Independence puzzle to work on.
  • Lots of cousins!
  • Nana crafts?
  • There was a family meeting and we told a little about our call to the Provo City Center Temple.
  • There was the fun time at North Beach with kayaks and paddle boards...and a picnic.
  • The beautiful views
  • Lots of good food and snacks.
  • Was it the rooms with the cozy beds and your own bathroom?
  • Sand castles.
  • Minnetonka Caves
  • The Sunday morning hike on Limber Pine Trail was one of our favorites.
  • Plenty 'o' hugs
  • Missionary tag
  • Teen Talk Very Live!
  • Fifty cranes?
  • The family "Spot It" game.
  • Josh composing a song on his guitar to celebrate our 50th.
  • Blankets on the ground for the  outdoor movie, "Candleshoe" with popcorn and grandpa's special recipe popcorn.
  • Horseback riding
  • Grandpa, the cowboy
  • What was the name of your horse?
The Flag and Joe

Another Beaver rendering

Limber Pine Trail

Clara and Lou doing a marvelous work

Let's saddle up and ride!

Grandpa looking very natural on his horse and handsome to boot!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Link to the Church News article

Ima Beaver

James David has a new apartment.  He is sharing with 2 other young men.  He has full-time job as a teller at a credit union.

Lily spent a weekend with us.  We had so much fun together.  She was enjoyed by all who met her. We did a whole pile of things, including her making a mini Book of Mormon in pink gingham.

Lily & Yuki

Noah survived "TREK" and it was a difficult business.

The Harmon Family and the Ballentine Family are hanging out together in North Carolina, D.C., Virginia...which includes beach time and EFY for Clara and Peter.

The California Ostergar's are having an amazing tour of Italy and they even some time in Switzerland. Sarah Emily Ballard was able to spend a week with them too.  We are getting to know and love her more as she joins us for Sunday suppers.

Mary has a job with a group that owns retirement living places.  She helped them pick and buy 15 pianos...perfect!  She is still working on strengthening her shoulder.

James Atticus is in Australia with his family for several weeks.

On the 3rd and 4th of July, we celebrated with the  Logan Ostergar's.  We also drove to Garden City (by Bear Lake) to see Sunny at work at La Beau's.  A little raspberry milkshake, please!
Grandpa ordered our food under the name of Ima Beaver...but she saw him before she had to call it out!  We saw a laser show and a firework display and a very fun concert with Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band.  We really enjoyed the antique and vintage car show.

Nana and Sunny. She's so bright I had to wear my shades!

We are all looking forward to the family reunion in just a few weeks.

Grandpa and I have the big news about being called to be The President and Matron of the new Provo City Center Temple.  It has great historical significance for thousands of people.  We think it will be a busy place.  We have lots to learn but are very excited as well.

I was trying to think of a scripture that might be good for me to do in calligraphy.  I was thinking of this one from the dedication of the Kirtland Temple.

D&C 109:22 And we ask thee, Holy Father, that thy servants may go forth from this house armed with thy power, and that thy name may be upon them, and thy glory be round about them, and thine angels have charge over them;

Do you have some favorite scriptures that would work to inspire us? 

I also like this one from John 14: 27
Before meeting with President Eyring, June 30th, 2015
Love those doors to the temple!
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Law of the Fast

Grandpas' Corner

The Law of the Fast

I encourage all of my grandchildren to faithfully live the Law of the Fast and receive the promised blessings. The Lord has commanded us to “look to the poor and the needy, and administer to their relief that they shall not suffer” (D&C 38:35). President Thomas S. Monson taught:
“Remember the principle of the true fast. Is it not to deal our bread to the hungry, to bring to our own house the poor who are outcast, to clothe the naked, to hide not ourselves from our own flesh? (See Isaiah 58:7). An honest fast offering, a generous fast offering, will certainly be an indication to our Heavenly Father that we know and abide this particular law.

  •             A proper fast day includes abstaining from food and drink in a 24-hour period, attending fast and testimony meeting and giving a generous fast offering. (Handbook 2, 6.1.2) Those who have health conditions that prohibit skipping meals can observe the spirit of the fast by being prayerful and contributing what they can as fast offerings.  Fasting should always be accompanied by prayer.
  •             The Law of the Fast is accessible to all saints, regardless of their economic condition; it is a matter of faith.
  •            When members fast, they are asked to give to the Church a fast offering at least equal to the value of the food they would have eaten.  If possible, they should be generous and give more. (Handbook 2, 6.1.2)
  •           You as teenagers might want to consider paying your own fast offering so you can learn the importance of the law of the fast.
  •        Blessings associated with the Law of the Fast include closeness to the Lord, increased spiritual strength, temporal well being, greater compassion, and a stronger desire to serve.” (Handbook 2, 6.1.2)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Please read chapter 58 of Isaiah. It gives additional insights into this wonderful law and its amazing blessings.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                As a teenager, I remember it being difficult to fast.  The secret for me was to be involved in doing something like reading or visiting someone or doing family history or taking a nap so I didn't sit around thinking about food.
                Much love, Grandpa

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ruth & Julia Temple Video

In California, they are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Newport Beach Temple.  They have posted videos about this.  Allen, Cathy, Ruth and Julia are featured in a video.  Check it out!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Noah is the Man in the Chair

The Drowsy Chaperone s a parody of American musical comedy of the 1920s. The story concerns a middle-aged, asocial musical theatre fan (in this case Noah) ; as he plays the record of his favorite musical, the (fictional) 1928 hit The Drowsy Chaperone, the show comes to life onstage as he cleverly comments on the music, story, and actors and gets in a little action himself.

Noah was "The Star".  We could see how much he has developed his talent since he first started acting and singing in grade school.  We couldn't take our eyes off him.  He had such wonderful facial expressions and so much joy in his soul!

Noah, Nana & Grandpa at "The Drowsy Chaperone"

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Trip to California

Grandpa and I went to California for Henry's baptism.  It was pretty amazing because Henry sang a beautiful solo at the service and there was lots of family participation.

We like to listen to books on tape as we travel.  We really enjoyed a book called Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer.  Another good one was The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis.  It's from The Chronicles of Narnia.

Henry's baptism day with Nana & Grandpa
Mary is just getting ready to graduate.  She received a scholarship to NYU and has just received another one that doubles her scholarship there.  There is still more money to find, hopefully through grants and scholarships. We want it to all work out for her so much.

Her shoulder is healing up, but there is still more to do and more physical therapy to come. Hopefully, you saw her prom photos on Instagram.

Mary on her way to school

With Uncle Robb doing more traveling to Utah with his job in Park City, Lou is the man of the house.  He cooks, he cleans, he fixes things, he knows how to run the computer, and he does a lot of his school work on line.  He still loves to golf and make jokes with Grandpa!  AND HE JUST TURNED 14! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOU!
Lou looking good!

Monday, May 18, 2015

James D's Letter to the Family

Remember this?

2007 - Timp Lodge
Here's the latest on James' knees, back, future:

Hey friends and family! 
I know I have been leaving a lot of people wondering what life decisions I have made/will be making in the near future and I hope to answer some questions.
I have had two knee surgeries over the past 5 months and I also recently found out that I have a stress fracture in my spine. We think that is from when I tried to play tennis in between my surgeries and also when I fell while trying to hike. I also have been having some anxiety about the situation surrounding my mom's health and all that she has been through.

I have known for the past couple of weeks that the time was right to decide whether or not to return to my mission. What I keep telling people is that, "I want to want to go on a mission." There are many things I miss about the field and, who knows, I may receive the prompting to serve sometime in the next few years. I am definitely open to that.
I was in the temple Friday morning hoping to receive some revelation and make a decision. The overwhelming feeling that I got was that the decision was mine, that the Lord trusted me to do what was best and if I stayed home I would have many opportunities to serve him. With my recent news about my back and also my anxiety problem I was leaning towards that option. I also had the impression that I should look in to attending the University of Utah, which I have never considered before.

So I have immediately acted on these promptings. I have a meeting next week with a counselor from the U and I also have a job interview this week that I had a friend at Cyprus Credit Union set up for me. Also, I will be looking for an opportunity to possibly move out of my parent's house. I think that will be best for myself and my mom.Hey friends and family! 

I love you all and am forever grateful for your love towards me. And don't worry about me! I am happy, I have wonderful friends and great support, and I am doing good things.

Suuuuure love ya!

James David Ostergar 

Daisy and Clara in the Limelight

Daisy was given an award for being one of the top chemistry students at Provo High SchooL. She is also busy preparing to be a Girl's Camp leader this year.

Clara and her mom went on a road trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico for a regional climbing competition.  Clara placed 11th out of 26 contestants.  She is amazing on these climbs.

Clara 1

Clara TOO

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Peter and Lucy on a Spring Cruise...

Some time in April Peter sent me these photos from their Spring break cruise.  There were no comments with the photos. They can speak for themselves!  I know that they stayed at a mansion in Florida before the cruise.

Peter and Andrew at the mansionn

Cousins at a Show

April 22, 2015 -- Apparently, they did NOT give away any wonderful prizes that day.  But it looks like they were having fun!
Mary, James and Cynthia at the Ellen Show

Conference Comments...

I found one comment from Adam that came from conference.  Noah and James D. tried to make comments as well, but I don't see them on the blog post.

This is James' quote: "As he read the parable of the prodigal son, I heard it differently that day than I had ever heard it before. For some reason, I had always related to the son who stayed home. As David read that morning, I realized that in some ways I was the prodigal son. All of us fall short of the glory of the Father (see Romans 3:23). All of us need the Savior’s Atonement to heal us. All of us are lost and need to be found."  Brent H. Nielson  

James knee is healing well, but he is getting his back checked this week.

Noah's musical is coming up.  He has a lead in "The Drowsy Chaperone".

Here is Noah's: "Desire to impress can easily turn to deceit." Pres. Utchtdorf

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Noah in California and a Conference Challenge

Noah's concert choir went to California before Easter to entertain folks there.  He loved his opportunity to see Newsies as part of his trip.

Noah at "Newsies"

Julia, Ruth, Adam and Jane were here with their folks for Easter.  We had a fun time with family. Anna's family put together an adult Easter egg hunt.  There was a golden egg with $70 in it. Everyone wanted that.  Grandpa and I got to hide it and Uncle Allen found it!  Seth was given a 10 second head start.  He really wanted that money!

Ruth is working on Pole Vaulting at school.  There is lots of conditioning to do.  Julia is teaching a Spring sewing class to raise money for BYUH.  She might be taking a Hula dancing class.

Adam is seeing a lot of a girl named Sarah Ballard.  
Erica and Jane are busy preparing for finals and Jane will graduate in June but will walk for graduation in April.  Bright was here for Easter and is busy with her role of Cinderella.

Mary and Lou and their family went to Boston for Spring break.  Mary and her Mom took the bus to NYC for a few days, then back to Boston on Saturday and then home.

James David is walking without a limp, but he is still healing up from his surgeries.  It hurts going up and down stairs.  

Grandpa and I recommend the movie, "Cinderella".  It was a perfect Disney movie.  Make friends with mice, be courageous and be kind!

James A. posts some quirky stuff on Instagram.  Check him out as blockychief89.

Some of us made conference notebooks!

Conference Notebook from a file folder - wahoo!

Conference Challenge

Post your favorite conference quote in comments, maybe a one-liner.
"A kiss and a cookie!"  Boyd K. Packer.  That's what makes a good marriage.