Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Our Temple Trip

Finally, I am making my report.  Grandpa and I took a road trip.  Because we are celebrating our 50th year, we thought it would be a fun part of the celebration to go to the Idaho Falls Temple again. That's where we were married 50 years ago on August 7, 1965.  The temple is now closed for major renovations.

Newspaper article about our wedding.

On our way to Idaho Falls, we stopped in Logan on Thursday, February 19th and went to the temple there.  Grandpa Allen and Grandma Deon were married there in 1938.  The furniture and decorations were patterned from the pioneer era.  

One of the doors on the Logan Temple -- love the rock and mortar

Then we had a fun visit with the Logan Ostergar's.  It was the Rae's 16th birthday the next day.  We all went out to dinner together.

Friday, the 20th, we went to Idaho Falls.  We picked up Aunt Gaye (grandpa's sister) and Uncle Steve Jones and attended the temple with them.  Roger and Diane Brunt went with us too.  They were missionaries at the MTC in Brazil with us.  Roger was the doctor at the MTC.  We all went out to dinner.  The Idaho Falls temple sits right on the Snake River.  We could see the temple from the restaurant.  We were trying to think of all the memories we made that day.
One entrance to the temple - cool clouds above

On the day we were married we stood on the steps to have our picture taken.  I was holding our wedding certificate!  So we took another picture of us on the steps of the temple.

Holding on to Allen

We stayed overnight at Aunt Gaye's and traveled home on Saturday.  We stopped to see the remodeled Ogden Temple on the way home.  It sits on a whole block.  There is also a tabernacle on the block that was built in the 50's and recently remodeled too.  We were very impressed with it all.
And there are more cool clouds in the background!

Ogden Temple and grounds

I want to post the picture of us on the temple steps in 1965.  I thought I knew right where it was and spent some time looking.  I will post it when it shows up.  

We had a very fun and memorable trip!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Teen Tidbits

Daisy went to Morp.  It was an 80's theme. Her 17th birthday is in a week!

Daisy read for Morp!

Is this the face of Cinderella?

Cinderella, fer shure!

Bright has been cast as Cinderella at Utah State Eastern in Price.  They will start rehearsals in a week or two.  She went to the open auditions and they chose her!

Other tidbits:
Jane is going to grad school in Computer Science.  She will start in the Fall

Julia and Sunny will both probably go to BYUH, if everything works out with tuition, etc.

Peter and Lucy are going on a cruise during their spring break.  Their family is going too! It will be in the Caribbean somewhere.  Bon Voyage y'all!

Clara is winning climbing competitions.

Lou is an amazing computer guru...helping his Mom and siblings with his expertise.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Two big ticket items...

James D. had his second knee surgery yesterday!  The surgery went well but the recovery is the hard part,  James always has a cheery smile!

Heal quickly, James!!

Adam arrived home from the Milan, Italy Mission yesterday to happy, yet weeping crowds. 
Welcome home, Adam.  The photo shows him with his parents.  His parents will stare at him a lot during the next few weeks.  It happens like that.

Adam at the airport in Orange County.