Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Law of the Fast

Grandpas' Corner

The Law of the Fast

I encourage all of my grandchildren to faithfully live the Law of the Fast and receive the promised blessings. The Lord has commanded us to “look to the poor and the needy, and administer to their relief that they shall not suffer” (D&C 38:35). President Thomas S. Monson taught:
“Remember the principle of the true fast. Is it not to deal our bread to the hungry, to bring to our own house the poor who are outcast, to clothe the naked, to hide not ourselves from our own flesh? (See Isaiah 58:7). An honest fast offering, a generous fast offering, will certainly be an indication to our Heavenly Father that we know and abide this particular law.

  •             A proper fast day includes abstaining from food and drink in a 24-hour period, attending fast and testimony meeting and giving a generous fast offering. (Handbook 2, 6.1.2) Those who have health conditions that prohibit skipping meals can observe the spirit of the fast by being prayerful and contributing what they can as fast offerings.  Fasting should always be accompanied by prayer.
  •             The Law of the Fast is accessible to all saints, regardless of their economic condition; it is a matter of faith.
  •            When members fast, they are asked to give to the Church a fast offering at least equal to the value of the food they would have eaten.  If possible, they should be generous and give more. (Handbook 2, 6.1.2)
  •           You as teenagers might want to consider paying your own fast offering so you can learn the importance of the law of the fast.
  •        Blessings associated with the Law of the Fast include closeness to the Lord, increased spiritual strength, temporal well being, greater compassion, and a stronger desire to serve.” (Handbook 2, 6.1.2)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Please read chapter 58 of Isaiah. It gives additional insights into this wonderful law and its amazing blessings.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                As a teenager, I remember it being difficult to fast.  The secret for me was to be involved in doing something like reading or visiting someone or doing family history or taking a nap so I didn't sit around thinking about food.
                Much love, Grandpa

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ruth & Julia Temple Video

In California, they are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Newport Beach Temple.  They have posted videos about this.  Allen, Cathy, Ruth and Julia are featured in a video.  Check it out!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Noah is the Man in the Chair

The Drowsy Chaperone s a parody of American musical comedy of the 1920s. The story concerns a middle-aged, asocial musical theatre fan (in this case Noah) ; as he plays the record of his favorite musical, the (fictional) 1928 hit The Drowsy Chaperone, the show comes to life onstage as he cleverly comments on the music, story, and actors and gets in a little action himself.

Noah was "The Star".  We could see how much he has developed his talent since he first started acting and singing in grade school.  We couldn't take our eyes off him.  He had such wonderful facial expressions and so much joy in his soul!

Noah, Nana & Grandpa at "The Drowsy Chaperone"

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Trip to California

Grandpa and I went to California for Henry's baptism.  It was pretty amazing because Henry sang a beautiful solo at the service and there was lots of family participation.

We like to listen to books on tape as we travel.  We really enjoyed a book called Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer.  Another good one was The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis.  It's from The Chronicles of Narnia.

Henry's baptism day with Nana & Grandpa
Mary is just getting ready to graduate.  She received a scholarship to NYU and has just received another one that doubles her scholarship there.  There is still more money to find, hopefully through grants and scholarships. We want it to all work out for her so much.

Her shoulder is healing up, but there is still more to do and more physical therapy to come. Hopefully, you saw her prom photos on Instagram.

Mary on her way to school

With Uncle Robb doing more traveling to Utah with his job in Park City, Lou is the man of the house.  He cooks, he cleans, he fixes things, he knows how to run the computer, and he does a lot of his school work on line.  He still loves to golf and make jokes with Grandpa!  AND HE JUST TURNED 14! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOU!
Lou looking good!