Guess who? |
Lucy is 12 years old! She is now taller than her mother and she is an amazing part of the Ballentine family. She is a 6th grader at Mills Park Middle School where she participates in the Academically Gifted Program and gets straight A's. Her best and most favorite subjects are math and social studies. But she excels at them all. She has started to teach herself how to code, and loves to play computer games (especially Minecraft), and video games with Peter and Andrew.
She is an avid reader and has trouble finding books in the house that she hasn't already read. Her mom has trouble keeping enough books around for her to read. Her favorite book right now is 'Words of Radiance' by Brandon Sanderson.
For her 12th birthday party she had 20 friends over from school, church, and soccer. They decorated mugs, played party games, and had cake and ice cream. She was in birthday heaven and by the end it looked like a birthday explosion in the house.
Lucy has a great sense of humor and enjoys goofing off with her parents and her brothers. She fits right in at this nut house. Her favorite foods are chips, crackers, popcorn, bread, and laughing cow cheese. She plays the piano, is on a recreational soccer team, plays four-square with her friends and brothers, likes to watch Dr. Who, and loves cats.
Birthday Party Fun! |
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