Wednesday, July 31, 2013

This photo is from Grandpa's interview for the Church web site.  I hope you have all seen it. Here is the link if you haven't:

The Interview

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I asked Adam what his favorite color is and this is what he said, 

"Hmmm my favorite color is difficult to explain.. it is more of an experience :) My favorite color occurs when I am surfing while the sun is setting or rising. It is the color of the sun and ocean combined as a wave covers the sun and I can see the sun through the wave. Does that make sense? haha. I like all colors! Earthy colors. Maybe green and blue. There are so many beautiful colors!"

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

This just in...
Brights dream trip would be to Africa to see the baby animals or see Europe by train!

Begin and the rest is easy...I hope!

We thought it would be a great idea to turn Teen Talk into a blog.  That way we can get information about each other on a more regular basis.

Allen IV helped me set this up and taught me a few things to do.  He is really good on the computer.  There are links on the side to Allen's blog and to Martha's....and we could add more!  Make comments and suggestions.

I heard, for example, that James D. is in California right now and that he and Mary and Julia are planning a game night tonight.  It would be fun to get a report on that.

Below are our team pictures from the family reunion.  What a fantastic group! I scanned the interview sheets, but some couldn't be read very well, so I left them out but did a little report from them that you will see below.

Golden and Ruth

Daisy and James D.

Julia and Clara

Lou and Sunny

Cute and Cuter

Noah and James A

Rae and Peter

Jane is apparently eating James A.

The food at camp was really good, dontcha think?

The Fearsome Fivesome

Does anyone have a photo of the aunties together?

Here is everyone's dream trip:
Erica - Greece
Mary - European Tour (France, England, Italy)
Daisy - Europe, Wimbledon, London, Food!
James D. - Good Food
Ruth - Travel around Scandanavia
Golden - Legoland
Sunny - Fiji with black sands and beaches
Lou - Round trip from California to North Carolina
Rae - Disney Cruise
Peter - Scandanavia
Julia - Thailand
Clara - Hawaii
James A. - Hawaii
Noah - A Western European Tour
Jane - Packpacking to Macchu Pichu (Peru)

and....Bright - ?