Saturday, August 26, 2017

You have been eclipsed!

Bright and Golden saw the eclipse in totality as did Peter, Lucy and Andrew in North Carolina. Others might have seen it as well.  We watched it on our glider on the front lawn with the new baby William.  His parents were there too and his Uncle Adam.

William in his Beaver shirt being blessed by the sun....

My cousin, Lorna Kyle Boot, has a neighbor who is a professional photographer and did a time-lapse photo.  Which I have attached.

It made me think of how Jesus Christ is the light of the moon, and sun and stars. The universe is amazing, big and small.

Here's a note from Noah: "A big shout out to my Beaver fan club! I honestly felt like I was a celebrity with a fan club this week! I probably got more mail than my entire mission combined, it was awesome and I loved the art work! I am glad the reunion was a party, I will be there for the next celebratory beaver chant!!! Beavers one, beavers all!"  Maybe his new mascot for now is in the following photo.  His companion is the son of a family in our current ward.

Noah and pals in Louisiana 

Grandpa and Aunt Gwen and myself spent some time helping Martha clean up her apartment after the fire and explosion in the store room under her apartment.  It has been cleared by those in the know for her to move back in.  There was no residual smell, which is a great and good thing.  We went out to lunch and got a few new things to freshen up her place.  It was a small beaver party after all.  I made her a quick Pennsylvania Dutch barn hex.  They decorate the barns in Pennsylvania and other places where the Dutch have settled and have become an art form.  I designated my hex for Martha against moths and fires!  This is the freeform draft!

Barn Hex for Martha

Everyone is back in school more or less.  Erica and Julia arrive in Provo on September 2nd to return to BYU. James A. and Rae are set up at their respective schools.  Peter will be doing an internship at Duke this year in their electrical engineering lab.  He helps the grad students with their research, etc.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Special Edition for Family Reunion

Ostergar Family Reunion 2017 
Cedar City, Utah

I can't figure out how to put the the printed copy of Teen Talk that I had at the family reunion into the blog.  I will get someone smarter than me to help me.  I can always send it via email.

The postcards we made for Noah are going out every day in the mail.  I think he will love them.

Here is a happy list from the family reunion:

  • Talking about the importance of the Dakin name in our line
  • The announcement of William Dakin Linn on July 27th as our first great grandbaby

  • Hearing the baby's first cries
  • Hike to Cascade Falls

  • Art Beavers (what can I say?)
    • stick drawing and watercolor and framing our art
  • Palette ice cream run/walk and sitting on the lawn with cousins
  • Anna Belle wins a Farkel game
  • Martha wins a Phases game
  • No cooking utensils
  • Eloise's braided hair by Lily 
  • The Sausage Sizzle
  • Uncle Mark looked like the SUU HVAC man with similar clothes and beard! Did anyone get a photo of that?
  • Playing volleyball...and for some winning!
  • Cousin games in the hall

  • Small bars of soap and short sheets
  • Ice Cave
  • Treasure Island
  • Costume Seminar with Shelby Luke
  • Australian candy - lollies
  • Australian people
  • Gathering all together
  • Teen Talk live on the importance of being able to write
  • Cousin name game
  • Melon in a bucket
  • Watching Allen 4 do some drawing
  • Wiffle Ball
  • Missing: Kelly, Adam & Sarah, Golden, Sunny, John & Chrissy, Noah, Jane & John
If you have more to add, please send it along.  What was your happy moment?  I will post more photos - send photos to me too.