Monday, March 17, 2014

"Open Up Your Heart (And Let The Sunshine In)"

This song was popular when I was a little girl.  I used to sing it for my mother's friends when they would come over.  I remember the chorus really well, but I don't remember the verses.  It's pretty hilarious.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Noah and all things ORANGE

So, I tried to find these photos yesterday.  And here they are today.  Noah and all things orange at a car show in Logan a few years ago.  Totes adorbs, right?

Noah 2010


Sunday, March 9, 2014

More Philadelphia Story....

The hero

The set

Too much fun!

Noah's Theatre Life

Noah's theatre life has been really crazy this year, as in crazy awesome! He performed in two shows before the Christmas break, then in an evening of one acts in January. He will be going to a Regional Drama competition on March 12th and is in rehearsals for Les Misérables right now as an ensemble member. He just finished up a run of "The Philadelphia Story" in one of Olympus' three theatre venues, the black box. It is a hilarious play set in the early 40s. The movie is great and it stars Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant, and Katherine Hepburn. Noah played Sandy Lord, the brother, who causes much of the shows conflict. His favorite line was, "Holy cats!" Noah felt really blessed and lucky to be such a large part as a sophomore. The show eventually meant a lot to him and he grew really close to the small cast. He formed a lot of awesome friendships On the Monday before opening night the whole cast dressed up and went to a luncheon at the Joseph Smith building. The challenge being that they had to remain in character the whole time. It was a riot! Noah also plans on auditioning for another show that would run in the summer, break a leg!  (by Noah)

Noah's Professional Head Shot for....

From another reporter: Noah's voice is improving greatly. 
I love to listen to his lessons. 
His teacher comes to our house each week so I get to listen in. 
He is a very good student. 
He works one day a week at the local yogurt joint (so does James). 
He is excited to date very soon. (What???)

And...Noah loves the color orange!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

James David

James' mission papers are going in TODAY!
I am thinking Alaska.  He is attending Mission Prep and the temple to be as ready as possible for his mission.  His companion will even eat well, thanks to his good prep in every way.

James was invited to the state FBLA and DECA competitions.  (Business stuff!)
He placed 7th out of 1500 in the marketing competition and in the top 10% on the business written test.

He has been accepted to Utah State.  He has applied to be a student ambassador.  If he is accepted for that, it means a full scholarship.  Right now it's tennis season and he is on the school team.  We will have Daisy, Peter and Sunny take him on.

He's Awesome and someone we are grateful for!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

At last, Harry the Gnome...

Harry the Gnome by Allen C. Ostergar Jr.

The birth of Harry the Gnome was on this wise...In 1995, I made each of the girls (Gwen, Anna, Sara and Martha), a wooden jewelry box.  Martha’s was the la

st one to be made because her birthday is on October 1 and the others have birthdays earlier in the year.

I was behind schedule and did not have Martha’s box finished in time for her birthday. We were sitting in church one Sunday and Martha was teasing me and giving me a bad time because her birthday had passed and she did not yet have her present. 

Martha and I used to sit in church and write notes to each other, usually on the sacrament meeting program, about various things. Nana got upset at us and told us we were irreverent.  I guess we were, but it was fun.

Anyway, when Martha teased me about not yet receiving her birthday present , I made up a name and told her, “Harry the Gnome broke into the house and stole it.” She asked me who Harry the Gnome was, so I described him to her as follows:  He is an ugly, crabby creature who likes to steal presents and ruin birthdays, Christmas, and other occasions when gifts are given. He sometimes returns the gifts, but only when he wants. If you complain or speak badly about him, he is likely to sneak back some night and leave you a present, poop under your carpet. Whenever Harry steals a gift, the person must wait until he is ready to return it.

Harry is still around and occasionally delights in delaying the giving of gifts. No one has every reported any poop under the carpet, but beware, it is always a possibility.  We never know when Harry will strike again. So, if your present is delayed, it is almost certain that it is because Harry the Gnome has it.  So just smile and be patient, but never, never speak badly about Harry the Gnome.

Actual photo of Harry the Gnome...take by Allen IV

If you were choosing to take a color photo of Harry, what colors do you think he would be sporting?

My take on Harry...
Harry - actual color photo : )