Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mary's Audition Tape

When we were in California, I had a chance to talk to Mary a bit about her hopes and dreams.  She is taking 3 AP classes this year and is also working very hard on her violin.  She has prepared an audition for the National Youth Orchestra.  This is not an easy thing to do.  She has to have an accomplished accompanist and a place to record where they will get a good sound and have all the schedules meet up, etc.
Mary playing for her audition

This is a summer program and if she is accepted into the program. She will spent several weeks rehearsing back East (New York) with other youth from around the country and then they will perform in many places in the United States.

This would be a great boost to her hopes and dreams to be a music performance major at BYU.

While I was watching Mary play, I thought back to Elder Christofferson's talk from General Conference.  He talked about the moral force of women.  I felt that moral force in Mary.  She looked so beautiful and modest and has developed her talents so splendidly that she is a force for good.  She has incorporated "discipline and high moral standards" into her life.  I hope the link below works for you.


Mary is also a youth Family History consultant in her ward.  She plays the organ and piano for stake events.

While we in California, Grandpa and I ran into a very famous "person".  We also celebrated Thanks-o-
Ween.  We had Thanksgiving on Halloween and then the kids went to parties and trick or treating.

Italia Sodas in honor of Adam for Thanks-o-Ween
Ruth, Julia and Mary

Happy Halloween from Donald!

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